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No Cost Poker Tournaments – The Biggest Deal Of All!

Freeroll poker tournaments are daily competitions that occur on a lot of the greatest net poker sites. Freerolls are greatly loved by the poker playing community as they provide the poker enthusiasts the hopes to win some real money without squandering any. The entry to these freerolls is – as the name suggests – free and jackpot $$$$ can range from a few bucks for finishing near the top to hundreds of dollars for winning the big freeroll hold’em poker tournaments.

So why do the poker sites have freerolls? Is it because of their extremely generous character and the reality that they acquire massive amounts of $$$$$ so they feel a societal obligation to provide some of it back?

What do you think!

No of course it isn’t, the basis that the great poker sites provide freerolls is to attract folks to their site.

Here is the idea boiled down – You hear that a poker room has a great freeroll, it charges you nada to enter and you will be able to acquire 100 dollars. You think "Great!" and you go along to the site and sign up as a member so you can participate in the freeroll. You can wager and finish early and are ticked off largely because you perceive you should have faired much better, or you go close to winning and so you’re wanting some more play. So what happens? You bet some $$$$ at the poker site and wager on a different poker game!

Make sure to check the freerolls for cash-out constraints, you will just about always have to compete in some hands for actual $$$$$ before they allow you take the money out. Frequently this is on a 1=1 basis, so if you capture 20 dollars at the free poker tournament you will need to have played for $20 in bonafide cash in order for you to be able to remove the $$$$.

Posted in Poker.

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